The core of akiplgo is andrew, cheemeng, liangen, mitch, sookling & junjie; but akiplgo is also a wider network of collaborators, partners and friends. After all:
we are all islands, in a common sea”.

As the expression of a finite, framed and bounded space, the island also represents a microcosm, both isolated and rich with structural oppositions of inside and out, inland and edge; a hermetic system of self-contained relations ready to incite unbounded visions for the future.

Despite the clear delimitation set out by their physical properties, islands are inherently ambiguous entities, presenting a dual nature suggestive of both isolation and connection. They are strongly linked to and dependent on each other. Distance, in both the insular and archipelagic condition, can be a means of generating alternative connections. Although physically separate, component islands are linked by powerful relationships to form an overall whole, a dynamic plurality composed of individual distinctive elements.

  • “unbothered. moisturized. happy. in my lane. focused. flourishing.” These are words that Andrew tries to live by.
    He relishes in the rich sensory experiences that nature and good architecture can provide: the unfolding of spaces and vistas, the sounds of still and flow, the movement of light across textures, the delight in the discovery of details, and the touch of raw materials.

    When he is not busy as the Principal Designer of the studio, he is often sitting in his garden tea corner with a good read or flexing on his single colleagues by spending time with his fiancée.

  • Chee Meng likes to think that if it was not for architecture, they would be reading a degree in some computing-related discipline at a local university. Instead, they have settled on reading specialisations in computer science and interactive media, and look to integrate the practice of design with the knowledge and ethos of the disciplines they have come into contact with.

    Besides sketching, Chee Meng frequently expresses and develops their ideas through writing, a habit that has made them the de facto copywriter of the team.

    If not doing design work, Chee Meng might be found dancing, or staring at a text editor wondering why their code is not compiling.

  • Jun Jie is secretly a machine in a human body. He enjoys the routine of everyday life and is often obssessed with planning every single minute of his day.

    “No man is an island” As the resident social butterfly, he believes that design stems from collaboration and engagement. He views the space around him as an amalgamation of people’s experiences and actions and he seeks to design with timelessness in mind.

    On the off chance that you catch him not doing work, he is probably romanticising his life by taking photos or drinking coffee and whisky.

  • Mitch likes to think of himself as the modern day Sleeping Beauty. He believes that productive work only comes about from 15 hours of slumber. A dreamer and an optimist, Mitch has a natural sense of wonder and views life with a gleam of hope.

    "All work and no play makes Mitch a dull boy". When it comes to work, Mitch is always finding an opportunity to inject fun and laughter, as he believes the secret to good design is enjoying the process. Don't be fooled when he clicks his mouse vigorously, he may just be tapping heads on Valorant.

  • Liang En wanted to be a struggling artist but his mother wasn't too keen on the idea so he set his sights on the next best thing instead: being a struggling architect. Nevertheless he continues to pursue his passion through a specialisation in Art History and hopes to one day bring the two together in practice.

    In his spare time, Liang En likes to find new hobbies to dump whatever little cash he has left into. Most recent money-sinks include photo taking, coffee brewing, whiskey sipping and music listening.

    And outside of spare time, Liang En tends to procrastinate. He says he works better under pressure. I disagree.

  • In an alternate universe, Sookie is a goth girl unbounded by her parents' rules and expectations. But in this universe, she is just another good asian girl, realistic and pragmatic.

    "eyes closed, head first, can't lose". Sook Ling believes that the secret to good design is to be bold and adventurous, challenging norms with consideration.

    Always tired, Sook Ling is capable of executing up to 2 activities per day. But fret not, because Sook Ling believes that procrastination breeds efficiency. When it comes to work, she always seeks to find the most efficient solution that saves time and energy, but gets the job done.

we offer a spectrum of services that inspire and delight.
from the bold strokes of architectural design to the delicate hues of branding, we bring your vision to life with passion and precision.
discover the full range of our offerings today.

  • interior design

    Our firm offers interior spatial design services, drawing on our architectural knowledge and experience to craft deeper levels of spatial experiences. Our talented team of designers will work with you to create stunning and functional spaces that perfectly suit your needs and style. From concept to completion, we'll be with you every step of the way, ensuring that your project is a success.

  • spatial/experiential design

    Our team specializes in pushing the boundaries of creativity and design, creating unique and thought-provoking structures that challenge conventional thinking. Whether you're looking for an eye-catching installation or a placemaking concept, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life. Browse our portfolio today to see some of our most innovative work.

  • photography & editorial

    Leveraging on a background in architecture to capture stunning images that showcase the beauty and functionality of your spaces. This unique understanding and experience allows us to capture and showcase buildings in the most compelling way. Whether you need high-quality images for documentation, or engaging editorial content for your publication, our talented team of photographers and writers will help you tell your story in the most engaging way possible.